Quit smoking today using hypnotherapy at Quays Clinic in North Shields near Newcastle upon Tyne. Hypnotist Ian Smith is a stop smoking hypnosis expert who has helped many of his clients to give up smoking. Get the help you need today!
It doesn’t matter if you have tried many of the online smoking products like nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes and failed to quit.
Do not give up trying to quit.
Quitting smoking will be the best decision that you have ever make. You might even save your own life by doing so.
Many people discover after trying many different ways to stop smoking without success, that hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is the best way to quit smoking for good. Quit smoking today.
Ready To Quit Smoking?
It is incredibly important that you are really ready to quit smoking. It’s no good attempting to stop for other people. If you try to quit cigarettes or tobacco for your wife, husband, or children the likelihood is that you will go back to using cigarettes.
Find the strongest reason to give up abusing tobacco within yourself.
If you love sport just imagine what it would be like to have to give up that sport because of illness or not being able to breathe sufficient oxygen to keep you fit and healthy.
If you care about your appearance, Imagine what it would be like to have lip cancer, mouth cancer, or throat cancer.
Benefits Of Quitting Smoking
Here are a few of the huge amount of benefits of quitting smoking:
- Your blood pressure will return to normal.
- The risks of having a heart attack or stroke are reduced.
- People reduce the risk of getting lung cancer.
- The possibility of having breathing problems is dramatically reduced.
- You will no longer smell the toxic chemicals.
- Your clothes will be clean.
- Your car and home will be toxin-free.
- Non-smokers are more attractive to the opposite sex.
- You will be able to get a better deal from a health insurance company.
- Your family will thank you for stopping smoking.
- You will no longer be anti-social when out with friends and family, having to go outside for a cigarette.
Smoking When Pregnant
The sooner a woman gives up using cigarettes, the better for them and their child. Using cigarettes can cause many different problems for a baby’s health.
The toxins can cause stillbirth, respiratory problems because of the lack of oxygen that the baby needs to grow as well as miscarriages.
Quit Smoking Going “Cold Turkey”
Going “cold turkey” for many people is the first way that they try to give up smoking. They quickly discover that they find it very stressful and incredibly hard to do.
The reason that many people fail using this method is that it’s done at a conscious level in the thinking mind.
As soon as a person stops thinking about quitting, the mind reverts back to the subconscious part of the mind where the bad habits associated with smoking cigarettes are recorded.
The other thing to remember is that willpower is very weak in most people.
Tips To Quit Smoking
There are many different stop smoking tips that you will discover on many of the quit smoking forums online. Here are a few of them:
- Drink plenty of water.
- Keep yourself busy during the times that you would normally smoke.
- Ask family members for some support.
- Repeatedly give yourself encouragement by quietly repeating affirmations about how good it is to be a non-smoker.
- Reward yourself by going out for a nice meal with your family with the additional money that you are not wasting on cigarettes.
- Go out for long walks with your friends or family where you will benefit from breathing wonderful fresh air into your lungs.
- Treat yourself to some special item that you have always wanted.
- Find yourself a hobby where you can remain fit and active.
Do the best that you can to stay away from other people who smoke socially.
Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking
Hypnotherapy is by far the best way to quit. Many people that have tried many other methods like stop smoking medication, stop smoking pills, and stop smoking tablets on many occasions only try hypnotherapy as a last resort.
They quickly discover just how easy it is to quit using stop smoking hypnosis and wish that they had done so many years ago.
Contact Quays Clinic Today
If you are looking to find hypnotherapy in Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, and Sunderland to stop smoking cigarettes, contact Quays Clinic today.
Hypnotist Ian Smith is an Internationally respected expert in stop smoking hypnosis who has helped many people to quit for good, call him today on 0774 3353367.
Take a look at some of the fantastic hypnotherapy reviews which have been posted on Google Maps which will help you to make your decision.